International puppday

International puppy day

Every day is a reason to celebrate, but today March 23 is an extra special day. We celebrateinternational puppy day.

A day to put them extra in the kibble and to reflect on how quickly our puppies grow up and mature. A puppy is, of course, super cute and playful. They like to sniff around everywhere and want to discover a lot. Yet they have a lot to learn and they like to demand attention.

Unfortunately, this is not the case everywhere… International Puppy Day was originally declared in the United States to remind peoplenot to be bought from bread breeders† The dogs usually live in large groups and in the most bizarre circumstances. They grow at a fast pace to earn as much money as possible and no background information is requested at all about the buyers.As a result, the shelters are overcrowded or they are sold to the next breeder.

With the quote  "Adopt, don't shop’ they want to stop the puppy mills and make people think better about buying a dog.

Since I think this is a very important topic, I would like to elaborate on it. In my next blog I will write how you can best recognize a breeder and what you can pay attention to before buying a dog.

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