Wandelen hond

Why walking your dog is good for your health.

Taking your dog for a walk... Not only is it good for your health, it's fun too. It makes you happy and for your four-legged friend walking is the best time of the day. I would like to give you some tips on why walking your dog is good for you.

1. Motivation

On rainy days or when you don't feel well, you really don't feel like going outside. Still, your dog makes sure you get out of your couch and get moving.

2. One with nature

Going for a walk in nature can be compared to mindfulness. Put your phone aside, no internet, no messages, no Facebook, just clear your head and enjoy nature and everything around you. You become spontaneously happy when you see your dog running around and sniffing, right?

3. Better for your health

Taking your dog for a walk contributes to good physical and mental health. It reduces stress and is good for your lungs and heart. Your bones will become stronger and you will become fitter, so that you will also feel better about yourself.

Did you know? Did you know that 30 minutes of walking a day can reduce the symptoms of depression by up to 35%.

4. Social contacts

If you go for a walk every day, you will be amazed at how many dog owners live in your area. You often meet people to chat with while the dogs get to know each other. For some people this can create good friendships.

5. Condition

Going for a walk every day is not only good for the condition of you and your dog. It increases your metabolism by burning extra calories. Especially as you get older, it is important to keep moving and a dog can certainly help with that.

Enough reasons to put on your walking shoes and take your dog with you.

Watch out! For example, puppies are not allowed to take long walks yet, this must be gradually built up as the puppy's age. Older dogs can also have trouble with long and brisk walks.

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